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The Dashboard gives you an overview about important metrics like result of transactions or your hosting usage.



Hosting Usage

This dashboard is available only for hosting customers.


It shows your hosting usage within the actual invoicing period (typically 3 months or 6 months).



Once the limit of your package is reached, the gauge control turns red. The tActivation Server 5 will still accept transactions but you will have to pay for the transactions which exceed the hosting package.


Below is an example of a hosting where the package includes 1.500 transactions in 3 months but nearly 9300 transactions have been done.



Standard Dashboard

The dashboard includes interesting figures about the usage of keys.


You can select a different time period e.g. to a weekly, monthly or yearly view.


Transactions - Results

The dashboard gives an overview about the 3 most common results of transactions.





Transactions - History

Overview about the number of transactions per day.



Example for a huge increase within one month, e.g. because an update was delivered





Example if sales is done mostly in the last quarter of the year