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All-In-One Protector 7

Navigation: Part II - Enhanced Features > USB-Stick (flash drive) as a Dongle replacement

Automated USB flash drive duplication

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If hundreds of protected USB flash drives have to be produced, an automated process is required. The Enterprise Edition comes with a tool, which supports an automated process.


This application has no user interface. The main purpose is to activate the copy protection on the USB flash drive without any user interaction.


The simplest way to use the application cpautomation.exe is to use a .BAT file.  If you start the application without any command line parameters, you get a list of all available command line parameters.


Command Line Parameters

As the application has no user interface, it needs command line parameters. The values in red are required values







Project file name in xml format which includes the encryption and other information about the project

-p flash-demo.xml


No longer valid starting from version 5.1 onwards


License file name on the USB flash drive
in previous versions the parameter was -f which is no longer valid

-lic  m:flash-demo.lic    


Limit number of PC's (or users). 0 uses the value defined as number of network licenses . Details see: Limit Usage

-n 5   (this would limit to use the USB flash drive on 5 PC's or for 5 users (depending on the definition)


Hardware Id - the default value is 11 = USB flash drive

not necessary


Module ID of the application. Not required and reserved for future use

not necessary


will pause the screen. Necessary to trace if an error has occured


Expiry date of the license

-ep 2014-12-31  (format must be YYYY-MM-DD)


Number of days, when the license will expires. Counter begins whith the first program start

-days 363


Setup for automated duplication

Select Publish for USB flash drive distribution to create the files required for the USB flash drive. They are stored in the folder ..\Publish USB

Copy the XML file from the folder ..\Config (e.g. flash-demo.xml) to the folder with the application for the automated USB flash drive duplication


The application for the automated USB flash drive duplication includes the following files:






Batch Process

The file cpautomation.bat defines the process. Normally this is:


Copy the files to the USB flash drive

Activate copy protection for the USB flash drive


You can modify this bat file and adapt it to your USB flash drive duplication facility.


If you are familiar with batch files, use example 2, otherwise edit the file cpautomation.bat and modify it like example 1.


Example 1


copy "c:....\Publish USB\*.*" m:

cpautomation7.exe -p flash-demo.xml -lic m:\flash-demo.lic -n 5

copy "c:....\Publish USB\*.*" n:

cpautomation.exe -p flash-demo.xml -lic n:\flash-demo.lic -n 5

copy "c:....\Publish USB\*.*" o:

cpautomation.exe -p flash-demo.xml -lic o:\flash-demo.lic -n 5


For each USB flash drive (typically drive letter d: to z:) you have to repeat the command line - copy the files and add the copy protection with cpautomation.exe.



Example 2

You could also start the cpautomation.bat using command line parameters. Then you do not have to change the bat file for every project.


cpautomation.exe flash-demo m: 5     (project name, drive name of the USB flash drive, number of licenses)



copy %1

copy %1.lic %2

copy %1.exe %2

copy %1.aipfile %2

cpautomation7.exe -p %1.xml -lic %2\%1.lic -n %3



Useful commands for batch files

To delete all files within a folder:   ECHO Y | DEL   "m:\*.*"

To delete a specific folder: ECHO Y | RMDIR  /s  "foldername"

Stop the batch script to check results: PAUSE


This feature is available only in the All-In-One Protector Enterprise Edition.


The automated duplication tool is also available as Cloud Edition with monthly payments (e.g. if it is needed only for a specific project). Contact to order.