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List - Search, Sort, Group and Navigate

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All Data Management lists and also reports offer powerful options for searching, sorting and grouping. The options are only displayed if there are more than 10 records.


Search, Sort and Group

You can limit the result of the transaction list by either specifying Search Criteria like Start Date or select a product in the product picklist.


There is also a full text search. It will search any fields so the search string could be a name, e-mail address, city etc.

To limit the search to a specific field, type in the search term in the column you want to do the search, e.g. e-mail address



By default, the list is sorted by date (latest date first). You can click on a column to sort by this column - e.g. click on Country would sort by Country from A-Z. Clicking again on the same column sorts from Z-A

An arrow indicates the sort order




Group records

You can group the list.




Drag a column header to the that area. The example below groups by country. Click on a country and you get all records for this group




Page Navigation

The page navigation allows to navigate to


specific page

one page forward / backward

end / start of list


You can also configure how many records per page are displayed