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Licence Protector 5

Navigation: License Viewer > License Viewer - Full

Transfer License button

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If you want to implement transferring a license from PC A to PC B, you have to make the button Transfer License visible.


For a complete workflow how to transfer a license see chapter: Transfer a license from PC A to PC B. It requires SetRegisterLicTransfer to define additional settings if a complete license file should be moved


Retrieve main module ID with MainModuleID

Retrieve Serial Number / ID with GetSerial. If the Serial Number / ID is empty then the license transfer is not possible and the button is disabled (only a license, which was activated, can be transferred)

Define the values for the license transfer with SetVerificationIDOfModule

To enable the button use SetLicViewerButton, button number 6.





After the license is transferred, the button Transfer License is disabled and there is a new info: License is locked to indicate, that the license is locked on this machine. As technically only a module can be locked instead of a complete license, the module is also marked with the text: Module is locked




You can also transfer a license using TransferLicense.