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Licence Protector 5

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Basic license information

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Basic license information is structured in different sections.



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Basic license information - Copy Protection turned off


Manufacturer and License Holder


Manufacturer. The company name, defined in the project template with <manufacturers>

Company: Before applying the Serial Number, this is the Default Customer Name (e.g. Evaluation Version). After applying the Serial Number key, the customer name, entered during the activation (Online, e-mail, Fax, Phone) is displayed. This is the license holder


Installation Codes

All available installation codes (hardware IDs) are displayed. If copy protection is not activated then there is just a text: Installation Codes. After activation of the copy protection, the text is green and the hardware ID used is added in the headline and also displayed in bold.

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Basic license information - Copy Protection turned on


If a customer has a problem with copy protection, just use another installation code and create a new Unlock Key, which can be applied in the License Viewer instead of the EasyGo screen.

System information

This information is helpful for support and depends on selected options.


License File path and name

License File - ID: Using EasyGo, it is always the same ID as it is a generic license file. If you make bespoke license files, then the ID is unique - see License File ID

License File Version: Information, which version of the License Generator did create the file. It changes only if the file format changes

License File Date: Date and time when the license file was created

Security level define in the license file template - see <SecurityLevel>

Concurrent user option (Heartbeat, Light). Details see chapter: Concurrent user testing

Last online backup of license file.



Status of metrics usage (on / off)